Home Office data has revealed over 89,000 visas were granted to care workers and home carers in 2023. That is an increase of almost 350% on the previous year. In the same year the care sector accounted for 55% of all referrals to the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority with indicators of forced labour.

Migrant care workers are paying thousands of pounds in agency fees for jobs that don’t exist. They are locked into contracts and having their pay withheld. Employers are confiscating passports and making threats to deport care workers if they don’t hand over thousands of pounds.

It is unacceptable. It is exploitation.

The Royal College of Nursing is calling on every party leader to commit to act, now.

Add your name below to sign our open letter to demand change.

Sign this letter to party leaders running for election across the UK.

The exploitation of migrant care workers is a national scandal and the next UK government must tackle it. 

Faced with chronic understaffing, the social care sector has increased its recruitment of staff from overseas. A lack of regulation and enforcement has allowed rogue employers to profit from abuse of labour standards.  

Nursing staff working in social care protect some of the most vulnerable people in our society. This exploitation can’t continue. 

We call on party leaders to commit to: 

  • launch an urgent, sector-wide investigation into exploitation in social care.

  • provide authorities the funding needed to enforce employment standards for the safety of social care staff.

  • uphold licensing standards to hold employers accountable for safe and legal recruitment practices.

We, the undersigned, expect to see change and increased protection for the safety-critical workers in social care our loved ones rely on.